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About Dylan Parker

Picture of Dylan Parker working as an auto mechanic



Dylan Parker grew up in Davenport, Iowa and is a life-long Quad Citizen. After receiving a Bachelors of Arts in Philosophy from St. Ambrose University, having become familiarized with Rock Island, he moved across the river and currently lives in Rock Island’s Broadway Neighborhood.

While he never anticipated running for elected office, Dylan has been involved in politics since high school, engaging in advocacy efforts or community organizing on a variety of issues. To that end, after getting involved in a number of Rock Island community organizations, including the Broadway Historic District Association, Neighborhood Partners and the Rock Island Preservation Society, Dylan made the decision to run for City Council in 2017. Securing 68% of the vote, he was elected as 5th Ward Alderperson on Rock Island’s City Council. In 2021, he was re-elected to a second term with 74% of the vote.

Seeking a third term in office, Alderperson Parker looks to build on the foundation that has been laid these past eight years. It is a challenging time, but also an opportunity for creative thinking and unique opportunities. In addition to serving on Rock Island’s City Council, Dylan is employed as a Construction Analyst with the not-for-profit organization, the Indiana, Illinois, Iowa Foundation for Fair Contracting. While Rock Island’s municipal elected offices are nonpartisan, Dylan also serves as a Precinct Committeeperson for the Rock Island County Democratic Central Committee and attended the 2016 Democratic National Convention as a delegate from Illinois’ 17th Congressional District."